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Clark Freshman


University of California Professor of Law Clark Freshman trains leading lawyers, judges, and negotiators worldwide in science- and evidence-based methods to detect lies and hidden “microexpressions,” get better information, and win—in meetings, court, and everyday life.

His past in-house engagements include JAMS (the premier mediators and arbitrators), United States Homeland Security, Peter Thiel (Facebook’s angel investor), San Francisco District Attorney and Public Defender’s Office, General Electric in Italy and private equity firm Vector Capital, and many others.  He has also been an invited speaker on topics of lie detection, negotiation, and mindfulness at Harvard Law School and Business School, Columbia Business School, and Yale Law School.

Professor Freshman developed his exclusive materials after years of collaboration with Paul Ekman, the scientific inspiration behind the hit television series Lie to Me.  His materials also include video clips that he developed and taught at Harvard Business School.

Professor Freshman offers training in-house and at seminars open to the public.  He also offers keynote addresses, mediation, and personal coaching.


Clark Freshman
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